
Welcome to invalidroute; a personal photo album

Catching some photos around DC with friends in November.

About me.

I've always had a thing for cameras and photography, but life's various obsessions always pulled me away. Fast forward to 2023, I hit a point of media overload and craved something more real and thoughtful. That's when I discovered the world of film photography, inspired by others who found a deeper connection through it. I happened to remember that I had a film camera tucked away in my closet—passed down to me, just waiting to be rediscovered. I’ve been diving deeper into the film world ever since.

After taking hundreds of photos and not really being sure what to do with them, a few people had suggested trying a website or a blog, so here we are. This blog is my personal tale of venturing outdoors, capturing moments, and figuring out where it all leads. Imagine it like a photo album sprinkled with my thoughts, along with nerding out about film.

Thank you for visiting,
